- Android 2.1+ support
- Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) 2D
Hardware Accelerated.
- Autorotate.
- HW Keys remapping.Touch Controller can be shown/hidden.
- Smooth image.
- Digital or Analog touch selectable.
- Animated touch stick or DPAD.
- Button Layout customizable control.
- iON's iCade and iCP (as iCade mode) external controllers supported.
- Wiimote support using WiiCrotroller Market app.
- Tilt Sensor as left/right.
- Local multiplayer (using external IME app as Wiimote Controller or equivalent)
- 1 to 6 buttons optionally shown.
- Options for video aspect ratio, scaling, rotate.
- Adjustable CPU, Audio clock.
- Overlay Filters, scanlines, CRT..
- Highscores support.
- ROMs path selectable
This is the hardware you´re going to need:
- Android device
- MAME4droid (0.37b5) v 1.5.2
- MicroSD
- Games ROMs.
1.Installing the program and ROMs
First, you need to download the
MAME emulators for your Android
-MAME4droid (0.37b5) v 1.5.2
The official page is
and you can download it from
Second, you need to download some of your favourites MAME Games.Use "your friend" Google to get them. (For example use search strings like "MAME Q*bert ROM")
You need to make new directories in your MicroSD card to copy the ROMs to.
Make three new directories in your
MicroSD card: ROMs, MAME4all and
roms, one inside another so you
end up with the following directory
MicroSD Drive letter:/
Then copy your downloaded games (in "zip" format, for example qbert.zip) to your new MicroSD card directory
(MicroSD Drive letter:/ROMs/
In our example of Q*Bert, the rom will be copy to the MicroSD card to this directory:
Micro SD/ROMs/
The emulator supports the following games:
- Mame rom set 37b , which includes most Neo Geo titles, CPS1, some Taito,Konami, and Cave titles as well as various other older titles (Circus Charlie,Pacman etc).Emulates over 2000
different romsets. Some games will run better than others and some might not even run with MAME4droid.
Important: Neo Geo Games need the Neo Geo BIOS.in roms directory
Download bios file:
Neo Geo Bios file
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