**Please use "Mayabi keyboard Premium" if you want to donate or your phone does not have Bengali
support. ATT: In Premium, at least you can see Bangla in keyboard area, but not in compose/edit
**Please read install instructions carefully for proper installation.
**In ICS, google gives support of Bangla font in OS and proper Bangla rendering support only for
browser. So Bangla rendering might be broken any place other than browser. You might see this issue in your Bangla supported mobile if you upgrade from GB to ICS.
** Please do not rate bad if your phone does not support Bangla. Rendering/supporting Bangla is not
keyboards responsibility.
Mayabi Bangla keyboard is an on screen keyboard with Bangla/Bengali/বাংলা phonetic, fixed layout
and English language support for Android platform.
Bangla and English dictionary included as well for word prediction.
You can use this keyboard to write Bangla/Bengali/বাংলা in any Bangla supported Android phone (e.g
XPERIA etc).
This keyboard will not work on your phone if your phone does not support Bangla font viewing/
If you can read the following Bangla word in bracket [বাংলা], then this keyboard will work for you.
Do not download and rate poor in case your phone does not support Bangla(বাংলা).
To activate: In Settings->Languages->tick Mayabi keyboard\n
To set as default: Long press a text field, and select "Input method" and select Mayabi keyboard.
Version: Lucky (1.0)
Main features:
* Swipe space bar to change language.
* Bangla fixed layout keyboard.
* Bangla phonetic keyboard
* English keyboard.
* Bangla and English dictionary for word prediction.
* Many smilies.
* Many symbols.
Please post in Facebook page for any suggestion, comments, opinion etc and let me know which phones
are supported and which are not. You will get response faster form community for any issues from
facebook page. I do not have chance to test in all mobile phone model. Your each mail/comments in
Facebook will encourage me a lot to release next version.
We are making this keyboard advertisements free and your donation through PayPal to
mayabisoft@gmail.com is always welcome which will keep us encouraging to bring more better product for you.
Instructions to write Bengali transliteration:
English equvalant of Bengali characters:
ক খ গ ঘ ঙ চ ছ জ ঝ ঞ
k kh g gh Ng c ch j jh NG
ট ঠ ড ঢ ণ ত থ দ ধ ন
T Th D Dh N t th d dh n
প ফ ব ভ ম য র ল শ ষ
p ph/f b bh/v m z r l sh/S Sh
স হ ড় ঢ় য় ৎ ং ঃ ঁ
s h R Rh y/Y t`` ng : ^
অ আ ই ঈ উ উ ঋ এ ঐ ও ঔ
o a i I/ee u/oo U rri e OI O OU
্ব ্য ্র র্ ্ । ৳ . :
w y/Z r rr ,, . $ .. ::
Some examples:
অদৃশ্য odrriSZ
অন্যান্য onZanZ
অভীষ্ট ovIShT
আঞ্চলিক ancolic
আন্তর্জাতিক antorjatik
আশ্চর্য aScorzo
উৎকৃষ্ট ut``krriShTo
উষ্ণ uShN
ক্ষুদ্র kxudro
খ্রীষ্টান khreeShTan
গাঙ্গেয় gaNggeyo
গুরুত্বপূর্ণ gurutwopUrNo
দক্ষিণ dokxiN
নিষিদ্ধ niShiddho
নৈসর্গিক nOIsorgik
পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খ punkhanupuNgkho বৈজ্ঞানিক bOIgganik
সাহায্য sahazZ
অ্যানথ্রাক্স aZnothraks
কাঁচ ka^c
র্যাপিড rZapi
র্যাব RAB
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